Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Grand Columbian Ironman...Baby

Yes, that's right, Ironman my friend...In just two short months.

Let me repeat that...two..short..months.

Chris and I have decided that we don't want to wait until June of next year to take on the mother of all races, we need the pain now.

My plan you ask? Well, yes, it's true that I can not, as of this moment, swim 2.4 miles. And yes, it's true that my marathon in May almost killed me and that was without swimming or biking. Yes, it's true, I haven't ridden 112 miles since I rode the STP last year.

So my plan? I'm going to train like mad for the next two months. Well, I guess I can't train this week, I'm sick after all (damnation!), and I guess next week really won't work since I have my big Vineman, Half-Ironman triathlon next weekend. And I guess that really puts a damper on the week after that, sooooooo... I'm going to train like hell for five weeks!

Well...I guess, really, if you think about it, I probably need a good two week taper or more before the race, so I'm feeling really good.

Oh no.

I have three weeks of training.

Oh my god.

Ok, so....plan? I'm going to do a 2 hour swim and a 112 mile ride followed by 10 miles of running once per week for the those three weeks, that should do it (who am I kidding?). If that doesn't do it, well, I suppose we'll find out on September 15th.

Who needs all those miles of training anyway? A real Ironman doesn't train, he just saddles up and faces down the demons. Or something like that.

In other news (seriously, news?...I'm not totally sure, but I'm relatively positive noone reads this, and even if someone did, are they really curious about news in my life...probably not), My ball and chain, my long time foe, the bonney lake house, which I have been 'building' for 2 years is almost complete. Haaaalllleeeluyah, Haleluyah, Hallllleeeluyaaaaaaa. Probably two more months and it will be totally finished.

I've spent many hours in the last week cleaning up debris from around the house, sweeping up the inside, and caulking the outside (I'll refrain from any caulk jokes at this time - this is a family show).

Though I have one final hurdle to overcome, that of the infiltration trench, once that is done, I'm home free. My credit and income are good enough to get a good loan, so I'm going to refinance it and rent it out, woohooo! We might, just maybe even make some money on it!

Next...I'm getting a job. I think a woman just screamed outside, or maybe it was on the tv, I don't think it was in my head, right??

Seriously though, it will be a relief to have a job again, even satisfying, which I never thought I would feel that way. Funny how things change. I may begin working for a large builder, Jerry Mayhan as a site manager, or I may get a management job at some sort of retail store, not sure yet.

WE shall see what God brings. It's in his hands. I have seriously turned it over, I can no more control that then I can the weather. I finally understand that. All I can do is put in the effort and let the chips fall where they may. But I won't get all spiritual or philosophical on you,


1 comment:

Backofpack said...

See that's where you're wrong. I pop in every now and then and an Ironman on so little training? That's nuts! Can't do anything but tri, I mean try. Good luck!

And though I don't know anything about the BL house, that's great you are almost done. And I thought you had a job - realtor. What's up with that?