Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Brain-eating Amoeba and other tales

Holy crap! There is a brain eating amoeba that lives in lakes! The news story I read about it was extremely sad too. This dad held his 14 year old in his arms as he died from getting this brain-eating amoeba while swimming at the lake near their home. Holy crap! It goes up your nose and latches on to your medula oblongata or somthing else, and eats your brain! Now, I've never had my brain eaten before...wait, I take that back...Ok, so the closest I've come to experiencing this is when Tom Shane comes one the radio to tell me about diamonds and rubies...You have a friend in the...ahhhhh my brain is being eaten!!!

Did I get side tracked? Well, in any case, the only way to protect yourself it turns out is to wear a nose clip when swimming in these lakes living in a frigidly cold, miserable climate where the water you jump into is never actually warm and inviting but only bitterly cold (Seattle area). Apparently the amoeba only lives in warmer waters(hmmmm...the amoeba is smarter than us?), but with global warming they say...look out, this fatal microbe could be infesting our northwestern waters by as early as, say, the year 2109 (warn your great grand children of their impending doom!). Things should be really warming up around here by then, my neigbor just bought yet another large suv, they have four!

Which reminds me. Isn't it freezing ass cold here right now? Hmmmm...strange. Something about the whole global-warming thing keeps sending me the mixed signals that the earth will be warming up on some kind of global scale. As in, this planet...getting warmer...right now. Is anyone seeing this? This summer was very mild, and it's freezing cold already. I think we should start cutting down some trees and burning them via fossil fuels. Whatever it takes, you know?

Lastly, work is hard and I want to move to France. I hear they only work 32 hour work weeks, take long lunches and have sex while on the job (ok...I didn't actually hear that last part..I may have just made it up). Why can't Americans get this figured out?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed to share the same race as you. No, we didn't compete in a triathlon together, I'm talking about sharing the same HUMAN race.