Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Beginning

Ok self, so it's been a while since i've bothered to put any of my thoughts down on paper and i think i miss it. I've thought about getting back on here several times, but until my mom said something today on the phone, i just didn't follow through on the thought. I was talking to her today when she said I should get back to writing on my blog because it seemed to benefit me by focusing on the positive.

I have to say, I think that's probably very true; i think that for everyone this holds true, the more you focus on the good aspects of your life, and the things you enjoy and all of the great things you have going for you, the more you a)enjoy life, b)succeed at your endeavors and c)have a positive impact on others.

Those are pretty benefits i think, so in light of these thoughts, I'm going to give my blog/diary (in the manliest terms possible) another go. I think it should be called a maniary...that has a good ring to it.

Speaking of inventing words, here are my favorite 2 I've invented while speaking with Audrey:

1) Mancision Noun Verb Any decision which, to outside appearances, makes no sense, but is rooted firmly in manly thinking.

2) Mantrum Verb Noun The manly act of throwing a seemingly over-exagerated fit due to events unfolding in a less than ideal way.

On another note, here is where I stand for now on goals:

1) I have Ironman in 1 week. I want to complete the race in 11 hours or less.
2) I want to complete the 50 mile White Rive run in July and qualify for Wester States 100 mile Endurance Run
3) I want to get a job making as much or more closer to home, so that we might be able to keep our home and not have to move
4) Complete a Half IM in under 5 hours this year
5) Sign up for either a)community college and start working towards degree or b)Divemaster classes and become a dive master

That's it for now, there might be more, but I'll add them later.

Life has been kind of tough lately, mostly becuase of the drive to work, I think adds a lot of stress to my life for no reason, the traffic, the time, the money in gas, the discomfort of sitting in the car so long. I think it has a very detrimental effect on my life. I need to get a new job by home, and i need to do it soon. As much as i love where I am working (being around healthy people and being proud of what I'm selling), it just isn't working. They say gas is going to stay above 4 dollars per gallon for a long time.

Well, I think that's it for now, I'm going to commit to writing more and thinking more about all of the good. Right now, I'm the fire chief for my two boys, who are the fire squad, Lieutenant Jack and Sargent Isaac. They are driving their Fire REscue Jeep up to the hose, filling up and then I give them a mission in the culdesac of highest priority, it's hillarious, they are both wearing their somewhat matching bike helmets with flames on them and they both have similar blue shirts on, very very cute,


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