Sunday, September 23, 2007


I could hardly believe it when I heard it myself. Because I work at a bike place now, I have what are called 'pro deals' available to me. I can get this bike, which retails around 4500 for aroun 1400 bucks!! Woo hoooo! So, it is now my mission to come up with 1400 dollars. As soon as I do, the P3C is mine. What a beautiful thing. I haven't been this excited about getting something for a long while; remember when you were a kid and you were so excited because your parents told you that if you saved up you could buy that bike/dog/dollhouse/whatever? That's how I feel now.

P.S. It's my birthday today, 26 baby! I figured out yesterday that it's not realllly my birthday though, technically of course, I turned 25-29 last year, and I won't have another birthday until I turn 30-34. Isn't triathlon a beautiful thing?


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