Sunday, September 16, 2007

what blog?

OH my god! How embarasing! I completely spaced the fact that I have a blog... Was I supposed to be typing something about my life onto this website on some sort of regular basis? I had no idea.

Well, a hell of a lot has changed since I last wrote. I'm sure my loyal fans are writhing in agony from the acute pains of motivational fuel withdrawel. Or...maybe not. Either way, I'm back.

So...without further adeu: I am an Ironman. As of last night at 917pm I crossed the line of the Grand Columbian Iron distance triathlon. 2.4 mile of swimming, 118 mile of biking (that's right, the bike was extra long) and at least 26.2 miles of running...and you can bet your ass I'll be getting the tattoo.

I'll write more about the Ironman another night, but for now that's the news. My best buddy Chris Rodes also finished, and we are both very proud of the epic accomplishment.

I now manage Performance Bicycle. I began training four weeks ago in Sacramento, CA. From there I went to Hawaii for a week for our friends' wedding, and when I got back I took over my new store. And what a night mare. I mean seriously, the first week and a half of work there was as difficult as anyone can imagine. One day(s) I worked 31 hours straight, no sleep, no breaks, just trying to get the store up to speed. And this right before my first Ironman (not smart!).

But everything is working out, we just need to sell a couple of our houses and maybe get me a cheaper car and things will be awesome. I'm tired of stressing over money, that's not what life's about. You should never have more posessions/debt than you can easily cover with a reasonable income, that's my new belief. You can ruin a perfectly wonderful life by taking on too much debt and responsibility.

Relax, sit back and enjoy. This is your life, and you only get one.


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