Monday, May 7, 2007


Someone filled me in on the secret of 'line breaks', so, if this info. was correct, then this post should have...

Line breaks!!

How amazing!!

For quite some time now I've been frustrated with the lack of line break conversion on my blog. I type in a very specific, vocal way, and yet, when it's published it all runs together like soup.

Not anymore! Wooohoo!

My next post, in about 3 hours, will tell the story of my Vancouver Marathon. That's right, marathon, as in 26.2 miles. When I arrived in Vancouver to the 'packet pickup' I got a crazy idea and converted my registrations to a full marathon (which I have not trained for), and I will tell you the story shortly...

By the way, when is someone, anyone going to comment on my blog!?

1 comment:

Jenny, Maniac #401 said...

I'll comment! I just found your link on your Fuel comment on the Y run club forum. I think we have met, but unsure. So where do you get this carbo gain? I am interested! I too love triathlons, but have been sucked into the marathon bug for about the last 9 months and only did one sprint last summer after about 9 the summer before! Those marathons take so much time! I'll come back soon and read you blog!