Wednesday, May 2, 2007

what day is it?


I got a little busy this last week and forgot to keep up with my blog here.

Working out: I ran 7 miles on Saturday (the 28th) and wanted to push myself. I've decided that the next two months is all about speed for me; pushing the lactate threshold and developing more muscular endurance. My first serious race is on June 22nd, the Pacific Crest half iron-man, so until then, I'm going to do everything I can to maximize my speed. I ran the 7 mile at 6:30 pace for most of them (except the first two were a bit slower, the first mile is all incline from my house). I felt great, and the speed is good, but then Monday I went with a good friend of mine, Chris Rhodes, up to 5 mile lake in Federal Way. We were going to do a small triathlon. It started with an 800 yard swim in the lake (brrrr...), with rests after each 200, then we drove over to the south hill YMCA to practice the SGC Tri course (coming up in 2 weeks). The bike course went great, it's about 9 miles and we absolutely destroyed it, but then we jumped onto the run and my legs completely gave up. Shin splints. And very, very painful ones. So we ran/walked it (just a little walking), which was dissapointing.

I have my half-marathon in Vancouver this weekend, so the rest of the week I'm taking it easy as far as running (meaning I'm not doing it). My plan is to shoot for 1:25 for the half marathon, but with these shin spints flaring up, I'm a little worried. I"m going to have to just rest and hope they are ready.

That's all for the exercise stuff; work wise, I'm still trying to hone in on exactly what I'm doing :) Obviously, I'm doing real estate, but as far as finding new clients, well, that's the hard part. I'm treating it just like I treat everything else in life, keep believing things will happen, and do everything I can think of to make sure it does. I do open houses all weekend, every weekend (except for race days), and that's going well, but I am struggling a little bit with putting together a 'database' to 'market' to. I don't like 'marketing'. I want to simply have relationships with people, and when they need help with real estate, they call. The problem with that is: People don't really need 'constant' help with real estate, so it's a struggle.

Anyway, that's all for now, I'm headed off to an 'interview' for being a new construction site agent (another idea for trying to earn some dough),

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