Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mowing the lawn, swimming, and losing focus

Life is so funny. I think I say that too much, but it always occurs to me as though it's a fresh idea.

Just think... you can go through your entire day unhappy. You can be unhappy for so many reasons, that sometimes, you just leap from one reason to the next like stones across a stream, but when you're doing that, leaping from stone to stone, do you ever stop and think about the big picture, about perspective?

If there was ever a cliche that needed repeating, it's that life is too short. Life is too short to spend your moments dwelling in pity, self retribution, guilt, depression, frustration and doubt. And yet, we seem to find the time. Heh, I guess that's life, it sure is funny.

I managed to work today, swim 40 minutes in the lake, do the dishes, mow the lawn (and fertilize), and much more, and yet, throughout the day, I carried a little bit of anguish within, and I'm not even sure why.

Just a few minutes ago, it hit me; 'You're wasting your time' I said to myself. 'You're wasting your life and everything you've been given, don't you realize that there are people too old to swim, too sick to work, too obese to mow the lawn? Don't you realize you have an abundance of gifts that a mass of people would give anything for? Don't you realize...' but, it's funny, sometimes we just don't realize.

So I stopped my self-pity and aimless discouragement and decided to enjoy this moment. After all, this moment is everything, and if you waste it, well, it's gone, isn't it?

Tomorrow will be different for me; I'm going to work a little, go on a long ride, spend time with the family and appreciate my life. Someone once said, 'all my riches for a few more minutes...' How true those words are, and how seldom appreciated.

So you are struggling with aspects of your life? Relax and revel in your good fortune, life has been good to you, you're still here. Go outside, look up, drink in the sky and thank God that you are who, and where, you are today. Life is good, if for no other reason than it must be.

Enjoy tomorrow and stay focused on maintaining your perspective,

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