Friday, May 4, 2007

Kinetic man and the Duldrums

Most people might not know why my blogger/tri name is Kinetic Man. I chose it because Kinetic means 'born of motion'. Fitting for us Type A personalities who are pursuing a high level of physical fitness, career success, and a host of other interests, for instance, writing articles and books, scuba diving, family, acting/modeling auditions (I say auditions, because that's really all it is for the most part, auditioning, actually getting the jobs is pretty few and far between).

In any case, The Kintetic Man has been in the Duldrums for about 5 days. He quit coffee...again. I have a love/hate relationship with coffee; it fuels my motivation and mental dedication to success in a big way, yet it dehydrates me and hurts my ability to recover from hard workouts. So every once in a while I quit. Usually, it's for a much longer period than 5 days, and it's always hard. This time, it's been unbelievable. I found myself sitting in my office chair a few hours ago, just staring off into space, completely... utterly... unbelievably... unmotivated to do absolutely anything. So I cranked up the Magnifica (the expensive espresso machine my wife purchased at Starbucks - she is a Starbucks Godess, having managed there for 6 years - she got a pretty healthy discount as well). One shot of coffee later I was out the door on a 21 mile bike ride; I averaged 20 mph (or so, it's hard to say with all the slowing down for stop lights), not bad. Kinetic Man is reborn! To the world I say, bring it on mother#%J*&)@! Man, coffee is great! One more shot later and I'm off to the cold, cold, did I mention cold?, lake for a swim with my work out buddy Chris. This weekend is the Vancouver Half Marathon with my wife and two friends, I'm shooting for a time of 1:25 (come on shin splints...hold it together...don't you quit on my now!). If I can hit 1:25 I'll be pretty pleased. I'll update you on Sunday or Monday, until then... Bring the espresso machines online, I want maximum power, (in the voice of Captain Jean Luke Picard) On my mark... Fire One!


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